Exploring Sacredness: Aldeia Temple, São Lourenço da Mata


Aldeia Temple, located in São Lourenço da Mata, Brazil, stands as a testament to the concept of sacred space. Designed by NEBR Arquitetura, this ecumenical temple invites contemplation on the nature of sacredness and its manifestation in architecture.

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Defining Sacredness

Derived from the Latin word “templum,” meaning a sacred place, a temple holds a special significance in various cultures. However, defining the characteristics that imbue a space with sacredness remains elusive, especially in an ecumenical context where diverse beliefs converge.

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Architectural Expression

Nestled within the bucolic landscape of Aldeia, near the metropolitan region of Recife, Aldeia Temple rises as a symbolic expression of the sacred. A bold volume of calligraphy emerges from the earth, symbolizing ascent towards the divine. Against the backdrop of the lush Atlantic forest, two white hypotenuses create a striking contrast, symbolizing the interplay between the sacred and the secular.

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Inclusive Design

Aldeia Temple embraces inclusivity with its open design, devoid of doors, welcoming all who seek solace and reflection. The simplicity of its structure, with walls and a blue floor, harmonizes with the surrounding environment, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in shadows and truth.

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In the serene enclave of Aldeia, Aldeia Temple stands as a testament to the universal quest for sacredness. Through its architectural expression and inclusive design, it invites individuals of all beliefs to contemplate the essence of the sacred and find solace amidst the beauty of nature.

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